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The Frog Story

Went for Cakkavala weekly meditation a few days ago... Where are the NTUBS and NUSBS people??? There were only me and Sumantri (both SLs???). After which i was enjoying that bit of calmness at the bus stop waiting for my bus when i saw one cat chasing after something. I went nearer to observe.

After some time i saw a frog jumped out from the drain onto the grass and i saw two cats was approaching it slowly... Confusion arises in my mind, should i chase Ananda fav animals away (yeah, he went to peep at them in the toilets!!! I'm disgusted) and save the frog, or should I leave nature as it is. Maybe it's the frog karma to die. I will have to get on the bus and after i'm gone, the cats might still attacked the frog. The cats by then were pawing at the frantic frog. Suddenly, a boy ran up and stamp and shouted at the cats, which scared them away. Whether he was just being mischievous or wanted to save the frog i did not know, but one thing i know was i was very relieved that the frog survived the ordeal. And i felt ashamed of myself, especially for having such fatalistic view.

I told alex this story the next day, at exactly the same spot, after our MC meeting and ask him to think about the moral of the story. He din get it and asked me instead for the hidden message that i wanted to tell him... *shake head, lol... You are thinking too much Alex!