Sunday, October 31, 2004


A little bit of background: I have this module call SHE. Sometimes need to hand in assignments during lecture. However the tutor, A, often email me to say that my assignments are missing. I suspect it is becos i hand in together with my class and they were marked by another tutor/lecturer, B. I'm attending tutorial with another class, so i guess that class tutorials were marked by A. When he didn't see my paper, he just told me it was missing.

The better part, when i got back the assignments, i receive two copies. one from each class. The best part, i got different marks for them. Even though they are the same...

There is this part which almost everyone got wrong thus, most pple like me got 90 marks for the assignment in the tutorial class i'm attending. In my original class, everyone got 80. So conclusion = same work n standard, my class pple are getting 80, n another class with another marker are getting 90.

Imagining it happening in exam! Actually i have always suspect the marking systems are unfair in exams too, just that no evidence...

This discrepancy will make it difficult to convince the world of a world class university - NUS...

Nah, i din bother to ask the tutor or lecturer the marks i will be getting for the assignment. Anyway it is abt 5% of the grade per assignment i guess...

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


家家有本難念的經, 這句話説得一點也沒錯。

今天黃昏時分,我和朋友們又在E2的CBLC做我們的project. 当我們的朋友在终结今天所討論的東西時,我的另一位朋友问我关于一间在新加坡的寺院,问我认不认识那位在家众,还提起一位知名的泰国和尚。然后又问起一些关于佛教的东西。然后我们又在网上随便在 google type Buddhism便有许多讯息出现,网上真是一个能让人受益的管道。

当他知道我是佛学会的 President 时,他好像蛮惊讶,虽然我们是同班同学。。。 不过重点是,后来从谈话中才知道最近他常陪他的父亲去那里。 他的父亲得了癌症,最多只剩两个月能活。这让我蛮惊讶的,因为看不他出来,他总是那么的开朗。。。

后来我又问起他父亲的宗教,才知道是得了末期癌症后才一直去找那位在家众的。听我朋友说那位X有能力去治疗病人,而且每一次听他的演讲都满有道理的。这时我这个大嘴巴忍不住便开口暗示他说真正的佛教没有这种东西的,(而且还想说越会说自己有某某方面的本领,他就越没有这能力)。我朋友说,可能他的父亲在寻找miracle吧。。。 这是我便回想,人的生命的确是那么的脆懦,那时我也不是一样的在为我父亲寻找奇迹, 而什么方法都尝试。。。


“我父亲很会吃的,现在呢?已经三个月没进食了。他应为痔疮没治,后来发炎得割掉大肠的末端,后来又有tumour, 现在已经扩展到脑部了。。。 他不能动,我看得出达一点都不开心,很辛苦。 我想帮大了断生命,但是又不道德,不过看他这样继续活就很道德吗?

还有他也提起一些亲友的态度十分恶劣。这是一个残酷的事实, 我们的社会就是这个样子。真可悲。。。

这时我还能说什么?跟他说佛教论点吗? 说 euthanasia 不管在任何情况都是错的? 又有多少人能在相同的情形之下能说出道理来。。。 又有谁能了解他心里的痛苦。。。

最近周遭的一些朋友都有难念的家经,希望雨过总会天青,也希望一切的人都能幸福,快乐,与安详。。。 珍惜父母亲人。。。


Monday, October 18, 2004

Song of Triple Gem

Had celebration at my new place just now for the five birthday babes of the 25th and 26th MC. Well, I musavada to the MC to have a last minute meeting them, so that Chin Lee will have a surprise with the celebration. Anyway she wasn't surprise in the end (sad...). Had a lot of cock up too. I couldn't confirm the booking of the function room. I have to pay a fully refundable deposit of $100 for the booking, before they can confirm the booking. In cheque. I din bring my cheque book along with me. In the end decided not to book the function room and we just decided to use the bbq pits tables. Bascially everything was quite messy, no one really know what to do. Well, someone commented that i never plan properly but i was quite du lan, as to how come it has become my planning liao. As if we are not celebrating the 25th MC birthday too... I oledi took the trouble to have it at my place again. You mean the President have to plan everyone birthday celebration too?

But nonetheless things turn up quite alright in the end, with the non-stop 'you are the man' Sohan around. Having him in the MC is one of the best balance i feel. He is a good listener n ever so helpful. Am a bit worried about his studies though... Well, the best part was that in such occasion, which he always plan, sooo good of him to plan for everybody, he always creates something to do.

Just like what he did during the MC retreat, he forced everyone to sing by his non-stop talking. Including kee pang. Was impressed by his singing. Can feel the feelings n passion. He got a good voice man! He sang 三寶歌, the whole song. Tot that he will only sing a small verse initially, like everyone else, but mabbe he wanted to listen to the lyrics too, of the whole song. Anyway that was one pleasant surprise for the night (that he agree to sing, n sooo passionate too...)

Thursday, October 14, 2004


Did a test sent by Lena......


Your distinct personality, The White Knight, might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. Don Quixote was a White Knight as was Joan of Arc, the Lone Ranger and Crusader Rabbit. As a White Knight you expect nothing in return for your good deeds. You are one of the true "Givers" of the world. You are the anonymous philanthropist who shares your wealth, your time and your life with others. To give, is its own reward and as a White Knight you seek no other. On the positive side you are merciful, sympathetic, helpful, giving and heroic. On the negative side you may be impulsively decisive, sentimental and misdirected. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms.

Kingdomality Type: White Knights in the Kingdom (Medieval or Modern)White Knights are always on a mission. They see themselves as the keepers ofthe solemn, pure goals. They enjoy working with others to have a positive impact on the lives of others. They are highly dedicated and principled members of the team. They tend to be the source of moral authority or righteous power. They stand on principles and will fight to uphold their noble ideals. They findthemselves in roles where they can stand on the ramparts and encourage others to join them in fighting the good fight. White Knights need recognition for theirefforts, even though they maintain that they do not. If they do not receive thepraise they need, they tend to gravitate toward the martyr¹s role. WhiteKnights can become sometimes become embroiled in the emotional factors of their decisions and they might tend to make quick, sometime rash decisions based ontheir feelings.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Feeling Guilty...

Got a reply from my upajjaya in pa-auk:

Kosalla Wong
Just received your September email about three days ago because the Internet service was not working for some time.
How is university life? Don't forget the five precepts.
Thanks for the photo. I have already told Ven. Dhammajothi about it. He asked whether you have met his son yet?
Send my regards to Dickson Ma. Tell him to be a virtuous soldier.
May all be well and happy.

Ven. Dhammasubho

Nvr keep my precepts... Downgrading myself everyday... :'(
PS: I think the virtuous soldier part is funny... :$

Sunday, October 03, 2004


昨晚,手机里收到一侧简讯。 10 多年来几乎每一个星期六都会收到这一册简讯。 可是,近几个月几乎都没有回应这一侧简讯。。。 直到昨天。。。。。。

今天一早,我依依不舍的在清晨七点多爬起床。 昨晚又是一个‘夜来拍掌声’的夜晚。 更糟糕的是我的IBS 又来了。 结果不但迟到,连到的时候也花了一段时间在厕所。 昨晚通过简讯,我们大家蛮兴奋地说好要在同一组,结果今天大家还是被分散了。

我的运气真得很不好, 刚踢不久鞋就坏。 但是我今天还是很高兴。 今天担任了稀客这个荣衔。 记得几年前我每一次都不爽人家没有来踢球,而且连简讯都不回答。 当看到这些人来踢的时候,就会称他们为稀客, 没想到自己也会有当稀客的情况!

今天真得很棒,看到往日常见的好朋友,也看到了同辈的 TPJC 的同学们。 这时才发现原来很多人星期天都有在那儿踢球。。。