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Talk on Heart Sutra

Disclamier: This does not in anyway represent what Rinpoche has said. Due to my feeble knowledge and weak understanding, information might be misrepresented here. Read at your own risk!

Part 1. Introduction to the Heart Sutra

Wisdom is our heart in the 'normal' state. However, what is 'normal'? – subjective
- as long as mind is affected by emotions – not 'normal'
- potential to achieve it?

- we possess this innate wisdom
- we need to discover it
- by doing ‘nothing’, we will achieve
- very difficult to understand and do
- as explained by Buddha, but no one will believe
- however it is not being lazy, which will leads to doing a lot of things, such as feeling guilty…
- doing everything that we like is also very difficult
- bound by duties, society norms etc
- what we can do is little things, start by doing little ‘abnormal things’
- becomes 仪式化 (ritualize) like shaving head, not eating meat etc…
- because we do not know how to not to anything, we can’t accept it
- Buddha’s teachings is beyond all the mantras, practices etc. these are but ways to bring us into the essence
- but some people get carried away with the rituals
- eg, some people replies to question on what is Buddhism is ‘being vegetarian etc’
- Concepts of precepts, generosity, discipline … are secondary to wisdom
- must be balanced by wisdom
- bodhisattva’s qualities are to teach us wisdom (I dun understand what I’m writing here either. Pls tell me if u do)

(so good for nothing, doing nothing = greatest liberation???)

Heart Sutra
Emptiness couldn’t be taught using words or phrases, that’s why Buddha is in deep meditation – and blessed Shariputtra with this curiosity to ask Avaloiteshvara…

PS: Dun think my song is just another pop song. Think the lyrics quite meaningful, telling us of the futility of comparision =p