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Talk on Heart Sutra

Part 2

A man basic nature is pure, i.e. heart/mind is pure.
- we can’t see our pure heart after mixing with all the ‘pollutants’.
- like muddy water, where water and mud are separate entities
- as long as we do stop mixing them (i.e. doing nothing), our mind will settle down
- Essence of Mahayana – our basic nature is pure

So what is the ‘noble family’ referred to? A race?
- in Mahayana teachings, all of us are sons and daughters of noble family
- we can inherit the properties/surname/race of the Buddha
- because we are pure
- limitless wealth, Buddha’s wealth

Qn: Shariputtra is asking how we can claim this wealth back?

Avalokiteshvara reply:
- five skandhas to be empty of nature
- form is emptiness, emptiness is form
- why form?
- all unhappiness are clinging/attachment to self
- but self does not exists!
- me, I self – referring to which entity???
- the answer is five skandhas
- a form which we refer to as ‘me’
- ridiculous feelings which we take as part of us
- want to feel good , comfortable
- ridiculous perceptions. All perceptions are of no basis. Even if have, are because of fear, hope, anger, ego, etc
- all these make up the self that we call
- biggest part of all is the consciousness (most ridiculous)
- we are always nervous – we want to get praised, gain, and don’t want to get criticize, etc…
- it is so complicated that we can’t ever drink a cup of coffee and enjoy it!
- we can’t appreciate anything
- moreover our consciousness is constantly collecting info that will make us even more nervous!
- thus the first thing to look at is the five skandhas. Anything real or concrete for us to cling on to? (this is so impt that it is repeated twice in the sutra)
- Eg feeling good, due to the circumstances, it is conditioned
- there are no real true ‘good’ feeling. Thus it is empty of true good feeling
- no independent, separate entity that exist

Form and emptiness
- can’t be separated, no two separate entity. The moment form exist, there is emptiness
- that’s how nature is. Buddha did not set this rule!

Origin/ Starting & End
- to answer this question, many religions sprout
- there is no beginning, no birth
- neither is there an end, no Armageddon
- every phenomena is analogous to chicken and egg situation.

Why do we practice if everything is empty? Is there something ‘impure’ that we must cleanse?
Avalokiteshvara reply:
- no impurity or true evil. Similarly for purity. Everything is on a relative scale.
- In the ultimate level, the enlighten quality of the mind will not increase or decrease, because there is no purity and no impurity!
- Extends to senses and senses phenomena
- no eye → no appearance
- no ears → no sound
- no nose → no smell
- no tongue → no tase
- no body → no touch
- no mind → no dharma
- All teachings of the Buddha are actually placebo (安慰剂)