A little bit of background: I have this module call SHE. Sometimes need to hand in assignments during lecture. However the tutor, A, often email me to say that my assignments are missing. I suspect it is becos i hand in together with my class and they were marked by another tutor/lecturer, B. I'm attending tutorial with another class, so i guess that class tutorials were marked by A. When he didn't see my paper, he just told me it was missing.
The better part, when i got back the assignments, i receive two copies. one from each class. The best part, i got different marks for them. Even though they are the same...
There is this part which almost everyone got wrong thus, most pple like me got 90 marks for the assignment in the tutorial class i'm attending. In my original class, everyone got 80. So conclusion = same work n standard, my class pple are getting 80, n another class with another marker are getting 90.
Imagining it happening in exam! Actually i have always suspect the marking systems are unfair in exams too, just that no evidence...
This discrepancy will make it difficult to convince the world of a world class university - NUS...
Nah, i din bother to ask the tutor or lecturer the marks i will be getting for the assignment. Anyway it is abt 5% of the grade per assignment i guess...