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Went for our meditation course at PGP just now.

Think the venerable (Ven Cittara) had a certain aura around him and the way he teach. Somehow i'm quite receptible to his teachings and this is one of the rare times i have attended BS Meditation course and think that it is a not bad session. Please don't interpret it as that the previous teachers were not good. It is more of my mind state. But Santo mention that people might be confuse between concentration on stomach or breathe. Ya indeed... Maybe next time we can ask him to clarify better...

Had an unexpected role to fulfill. Had a brief conversation with Bhante Dhammasubho today. Had to disappoint him that our comm members wasn't free to do reiki on him, even though i was the one who suggested it. Felt paiseh... But he certainly doesn't sound disappointed. I guess monks are used to it. Not expecting anything. Take anything as they come. :)

Anyway i asked him about the money Dickson had pass me. He will be taking 'shun feng che' to johor tmr so no money will be needed. So he then said I will have to be the Kappiya if I want, which I gladly accept! I need some guidance though, on what to do. A pleasant responsibility!