Monday, July 25, 2005


Let us dig our gardens and not be elsewhere:
Let us take long walks in the open air...
Let us bathe in the rivers and lakes...
Let us indulge in games...
Let us be more simple: simple and true in our minds above all. Let us be ourselves.
—Robert Linssen

Monday, July 18, 2005

A new beginning

It is a new beginning for my reservist unit as we have been transferred to a new division, 2 PDF, which we will collaborate with ASU. Had a try in the V200 (over 40 years old!) at clementi camp. It was damn cramped in terms of leg space for me. Wonder how am i going to survive the journey in the vehicle. But anything beats being a boxer battalion! AND ANYTHING BEATS WALKING!!! No more 16 km nonsense. Phew... And i thought i gonna do those same things over and over again in reservist. But since we are just being introduced to our new role, mabbe it will be worse than walking infantry when the real training start (although i still think anything beats walking...).

Actually although i hate to go back to army every year, somehow it is always nice to see those familiar faces in my unit, especially my platoon. And u get to laugh at how their size and fitness have changed while their faces still looked the same. In fact most of their ippt really cmi liao. I got a shocked when i look at their 2.4 timing. A lot were within the range of 15 to 18 mins. In fact only 2 pple got gold, compared to their first year in NS, where 90% of the company got gold. And yes, i failed my ippt in this ict again, at tanjong gul camp. Actually my pull up was good, surprisingly cos i have not trained at all since i injured my fingers. Everything else was fine too, so all i need to do is to get a good timing of below 11:40 for my 2.4 km run to get silver. But haiz... Missed the passing mark by 10-plus seconds instead. Could not even pass...

Dunno whether due to the fact it was a low key ICT, or that the training was more relax. In fact, i found this ICT quite enjoyable. Was able to have a good chat with some of my platoon mates. Got some new guys in our unit, and a lot of new commanders. To be transferred as men i think is damn suay, since most of the men know each other liao. As for the commanders, felt quite sad that quite a lot of them had downgraded or sign on, etc... Especially my PS, whom had signed on with Prison service. Dunno why, though he always make fun of me or call me slacker, or always arrow me, no matter what he has always been with me during mission (the PS buddy is the Pl medic mah), and concentration, shellscrape, etc... Will kinda miss him. Sounds mushy, but i have always thought he is very important to the platoon. HE dun mind being the ultra bad guy, but he is very efficient, and our platoon usually have the least problems in terms of missing equipment etc.

The new PS? Section 2 commander take over. Haiz, have to work with him. Not cfm yet though cos i might be the company medic, which mean that i will work with CSM instead. Back to new PS. He lacked a jackknife during the inspection by PC during the mob on saturday. However, while PC was inspecting others, he borrowed my knife, and put in it another pack. After which he showed PC he had misplaced it in that pack. -_- Actually i dun really mind lah, cos should help one another. And being the PS and not having a full set of equipment might not borne well with the commanders. But somehow i just dun have confidence in his competency. Not as good as Eugene. But impermance. Must learn to adjust. Once a year only anyway...

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Sure can't wake up tmr one :(

Haiz, wanna blog out my a bit of my frustration for the past 2 days back at SMM at Nee Soon Camp, but ended up spending two hours or more in front of my comp reading some emails and trying to settle a pretty serious MC problem... Hope my only email reply wasn't too unmindful and can help a bit ...

Anyway had a terrible day with IV yesterday, and a sianz day of PAM training today...

Yesterday MY eye popped wide open (and my shooting Buddy too) when i saw the Mdm pull out the cathether n the needle together, only to insert in back into my hand. Shucks, dun she know that due to sterility issue, and safety issue, one is not supposed to insert any needles used back into yr body, not to mentioned back into the same vein? And she forced the cathether in some more. CAn't describe the pain. Also dunno for what logical reason the army have that we have to endure every year. Yucks

Today was a sianz day. No more POCM in outfield. ONly M.PAM. anyway had a talk with an instructor who is coming NUS or NTU next yr. So i gave him my contact n nusbs website, after he seem interested upon telling him or rather, questioning him on what he noe about Buddhism. So i shall say Sadhu to myself...

Dun think i have time to blog more or do finished up my writeup for LOW, so if Lena's reading this, can forgive? *embarrassed...

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Excused from IPPT

Went to the YIH doctor again yesterday. Wanted to ask about the x-ray of my finger and also to seek recommendation about the upcoming ICT. I told him it was doing fine, pain was less and mimimal swelling, except still can't clench fully. Din told him my hand was hit while playing soccer the day before though... Anyway he said 'good good' while moving my finger around. However while shaking the 2nd notch of the finger, which seem pretty loose to me, he said still not so good yet, but doing fine. ANyway i ask if i can continue with pull-up and he said he will write a memo to the MO to recommend for me to be excused. The thing is, after he shake my finger about, my finger seems more swollen today, and definitely range of motion seem more restricted today, though it might be because i forgot to apply the chinese medicine last night...

Anyway i realised that even if i'm down, if i can still blog means that it is still somewhat ok. Cos i was feeling rather unhappy the past week or so. I guess family are the fiundamental of one's life. Once harmony is not there, one's mental well-being will be affected...

Thanks ae for attempting to write in his blog abt the faith part......
Happy birthday in advance to big bro Gor
Wish CEP a huge success in advance.
Wish that i will have more volunteers for Bodhi Big Walk...
CRAVINGS!!! :@ Dukkha......