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Sure can't wake up tmr one :(

Haiz, wanna blog out my a bit of my frustration for the past 2 days back at SMM at Nee Soon Camp, but ended up spending two hours or more in front of my comp reading some emails and trying to settle a pretty serious MC problem... Hope my only email reply wasn't too unmindful and can help a bit ...

Anyway had a terrible day with IV yesterday, and a sianz day of PAM training today...

Yesterday MY eye popped wide open (and my shooting Buddy too) when i saw the Mdm pull out the cathether n the needle together, only to insert in back into my hand. Shucks, dun she know that due to sterility issue, and safety issue, one is not supposed to insert any needles used back into yr body, not to mentioned back into the same vein? And she forced the cathether in some more. CAn't describe the pain. Also dunno for what logical reason the army have that we have to endure every year. Yucks

Today was a sianz day. No more POCM in outfield. ONly M.PAM. anyway had a talk with an instructor who is coming NUS or NTU next yr. So i gave him my contact n nusbs website, after he seem interested upon telling him or rather, questioning him on what he noe about Buddhism. So i shall say Sadhu to myself...

Dun think i have time to blog more or do finished up my writeup for LOW, so if Lena's reading this, can forgive? *embarrassed...