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My Voice

At last, my voice is returning. Yesterday was still quite bad, probably becos

1. Woke up at 7 plus to bring my mum to school for the checkup. I choose the executive package (which cost another $120 besides the $7 basic cost) plus the optional test for Ovarian cancer (which costs another $28). A young lady, probably mid-twenties was screaming during the draw blood station, which made me stiffled my giggles. I mean my mum was scared, but not to the extend of screaming, hahaha

2. Had breakfast with my mum at the science canteen. She stopped at the claypot stall, wanted to nudge her on cos i dun have a good impression of that stall, but decided to let her chose for herself. She went for the pig liver soup cos she say good to make up for the lost blood, haha...

3. Stayed in school till 1pm for the Design Group meeting. Again... i'm really getting sick of design and hysys. Maybe i'm not cut out to be an engineer. Or maybe it is the people. I think an important factor is the people.If dun have 'mo-qi' it is torturous to spent so much time together working on the thing.

4. 2pm went for the HR project group discussion with wenyan, xianming and yongming. Although it was more than 2 hours , and they always digress with jokes and irrelevant stuff, i enjoyed the discussion much better... Anyway realised Yongming and xianming also sick, yongming more than a week liao, same as me. Our voice all jialat one...

Watched the Campus Superstar yesterday. The 翻身赛, i thought, should choose songs which are relatively easy to sing, to show your strength, but apparently i feel that the songs they all choose were difficult. Especially this girl who sang 丝路, which is one of the most difficult song i think to sing live... I think the judges realised this, one gave her 7, another 6.5 but the third is so off and gave only 5. In the end a tomboyish-looking girl got in...