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Where I was born

It is certainly feels good to talk to people whom know the place you are talking about. The big malaysian group that came for the Dharmacamp, quite a number of them know where Jementah and Segamat is, that is certainly nice. Cos many malaysians i know, they are from around JB itself so they do not know about the more ulu part of Johore. And for people who don't know, Johore is a state for goodness sake, and not just about JB!

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Actually to be honest, though I was born in Jementah and had lived there till I was 4 years old, I do not know the geographical location of the place and its surrounding. I just know that it is near Segamat, where my family will usually go if we went back to Malaysia. And I also know there are mountains surrounding the area, and people like to go there for trekking ones. Just that i din know that the mountains they are referring to one of them is actually Mt Ophir. It is so near my hometown. Wah, next time if anyone goes there for trekking please jio me along! I so badly want to visit my hometown...

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I have no idea how come i am missing that place so much though... It is really a small town and people are having simple lifestyle. Mabbe it is precisely such lifestyle that are appealing to city-dwellers like us? For those people that have been to Sayalay Dipankara last 2 retreats, the town is something like Bekok, except that it din have the railroad running through it. Perhaps the town is even smaller than Bekok...

I located Jementah using the Google Earth software, which is a very powerful software. I can even see the buildings, not symbols, from the satellite pictures, even my place swimming pool!!! After knowing Mt Ophir is so near, I pester my mum to tell me more about the place. She told me that near Jementah, there is this nice and beautiful mountain, where people often visit. There is a very nice waterfall and they often go there and picnic one. I was almost in tears when i heard this. SO nice!!! Muz visit!!! (I think she is describing Mt Ophir cos the description I read abt the mountain is that there are a lot of pools and waterfalls...)