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Je n'ai pas étudié pour l'essai d'aujourd'hui

A week of work.

Monday - deadline to submit HR project, but actually we were more or less done since some time ago. Good working experience with my classmates. Went to study for CN4231 test with Yongming at YIH. Went to seek consultation with the Prof too for the test. We spent 45 mins discussing work, and 1 hr chatting. I am amazed at how i can chat so much with my Prof, wahaha. Still remember that 2 sem ago when i took his other module, i din like him, cos he locked me out of the tutorial room. And his face always look so stern, din noe he can be so chatty too :)

Tuesday - CN4231 test. Died, i was very well-prepared for the mathematics i dare say but did not touch on qualitative at all. Turns out half-half. Out of 40, got 10 marks were on a table of characteristics found in the notes, which i did not even managed to put 1 point correctly. The mathematics components were no sweat to me.

Wednesday - stayed till 11 pm in school to rush my Design II report due next thurs. Die liao, haven really start yet.

Thursday - woke up unwillingly at 6 plus for my 8am lesson - FRench. Realised with a sudden shock that i have a quiz for my FRench today. I did NOT study at all. Was wondering whether to get MC or what, when i finally decide to go to school, and just do it. Luckily for me, all those materials i hurriedly studied on the bus on the way to school were useful. And i think i can pass...

Now taking a break while still working on my Design II report. I think most of the engin comps were hogged by chem eng students doing Design modules.