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Sigh, my illness seems to worsen since my last entry. Yesterday morning, was feeling quite uncomfortable liao, but since agree to meet gillian, thus made make my way to school. After clearing my locker and shifting the piles of books and stuffs with me to YIH, was feeling quite terrible that i decided to let YIH doctors have a look. Discover that i had a fever. After meeting gillian and taking medicine and went to BL with her, I was contemplating whether to attend Ajahn Brahm talk or not. However I finally decide to go, even though, honestly speaking, he is not very inspiring to me. More than half the time I was sleeping though, haha... Din catch anything much. I think the rest of the NTUBS/NUSBS pple must be wondering why I no energy lidat...

Today, wanted to go meet ananda and riki to go Buddha Relic exhibition at the EXPO. But even though i had 12hr+ of sleep, I still felt not okay and decide to avoid the crowd and save my energy for the talk. And thus, I went back to sleep, amid doing some house-cleaning, since Darren is staying overnight tonight. Was too late to eat dinner when i woke up and asked pearlyn to save some food for me. After which I met her and just set around the nostalgic area and ate my food, with a cat coming to ka-jiao me. Too bad i dun have camera, else can take picture of the cat.

STILL SICK! now coughing some more! sigh... Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Darren is at my house now. Hopefully i won't spread to him. Btw, thanks ananda for your concern, but the tree is quite sick now... To gordon: take care too!... To Hanbin: I can't match your face to the name! Think Teddy matches you better!