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dedicated to a thinker

My cashew nuts are gone!!! 3 possibilities:
1. Someone finished it up within 2 days.
2. My mum gave it away
3. I was dreaming about the whole casher nuts thing...

Just had an MC meeting at BL. Was beginning to feel more and more at ease during meetings. Especially at BL. I think the good atmosphere there certainly help. In fact i was sitting and standing in all sorts of 'improper' position, really treating it like my home, haha... Not bad, managed to discussed most of the things i want to discuss. Cool. Kudos to the MC members for good attendance.

A while after i had reached home and bathe, one of the MC members, X, called me to explain the situation, the problems. had a long chat with X after that. Hmmm, how can I solve this problem? Especially when I was a discreditor of X performance too. Sigh...

Had a long chat with vincent on msn after that. He certainly seems to be quite high profile. Quite a number of our MC members know about him liao, apart from the fact he turned up for exam dinner, evident when his name was brought up during the meeting, for successorship.

One of the very first thing i asked was about his buddhism background. Surprised me when i heard he got to know about Buddhism through Cindy's blog! Wah, well done! Spreading the Dharma through the blog. But from my conversation with him about how he thinks differently from other people, albeit a bit shock, his thoughts are really quite buddhistics, and quite ideal, i would say, for anyone to have. Eg: "i believe tt if one of our loved one has passed. Thou sad, but we shld celebrate the happiness n joy this person has brought to us during his living... We shld cry so hard cos it wun bring him back,.. instead we shld b commenerate him by celebrating his temendous joy that he has given us.." He was supposed to be overly-matured. In this sense, he can't be more different than me. I feel that my thinking are too childish and naive, and people always feel that i'm matured, more knowledgeable, evident from the tv game show i took part with my frens a few years back. Mabbe i just don't express myself well.

Back to vincent. We shared a bit on Buddhism and though not shock, he certainly had quite radicals views, especially on nibbana. All paths lead to nibbana. Sounds familiar to what Lena wrote in her blog but certainly not my thinking. Well, i'm a theravadanist (if there is such a word) and I feel that there are simply some areas in Buddhism where beyond words can express. Faith plays a important role and you just gotta stick strictly to what Buddha taught. Some ideals, like other traditions, sounds really good to the people, but ... ANyway i thought that we might be talking about the same thing though in different way...

I really like this quote from him, in response to a statement i made "wn someone possess a differing view, wn someone holds on to attachments. we think tat. " they r too clouded by delusions". but never seek to understand how they feel..."

Another quote "my thinking is always grey.... never a comfirm ans i think thre is... but so far i think buddhism has provided a very nice guide... tts y i liked its nature of being a guide... i think thres a reason y buddha set it in tis way... its a guide, and u hav to walk the path yrself..." Well, surprising how people can interpret the grey area differently, but i agree with him on the walking the path yourself and hapiness. So we might be talking abt the same thing in essence again.

Hee, an analysis was made wrt to my personality and wah, he sound exactly like gordon!!! Especially about they felt i'm creating a barrier around myself. Think they will make good friends with each other. Like his take on friendship. Interesting person. Shall not quote too much. Seems like intruding his privacy. Just one more "ya. i always belived in u dun need to know and understand a friend. Wat u need to know n understand r ppl u dun regard as a friend..."

Great chat. Specially like the part when i share one of my silly thoughts when i was young. Lolz... Anyway i feels my ability to express myself in words really sux, even in msn. Not to mention my Dharma knowledge. Sighz... This guy goes to sutta studies while i have only attend SSG at the most 5 times in my NUS life.