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Yup, i teared today. Actually it wasn't so bad. At least i know that my tearing function have come back after the operation... Your natural tears are much better protection than those eyedrops

Thought I would have something to update on my blog today, cos i had just went for an interview with MSD - Meteorological Services Division for the post of Meteorological Officer (Business Division). It wasn't what i had expected, I had expected more emphasis on the marketing techniques and more questions directed to my experiences etc so i would have a lot to tlak about. Turn up i screw up those few case studies questions about marketing their services and the interview was focused on the job nature. Nevertheless i was really quite interested in the job......

Memories are the strangest thing in the world. I went to JB for my eye checkup. Went to Queen St Terminal to tkae those direct bus to JB. And came back by the same way. While waiting at the busstop between lavendar and bugis, for 197 to take home, i look across the road and saw the parallel road behind, which 51, 197, etc will take when it goes to Bugis, cityhall area. I had no idea this parallel road is so close.

REalisation strike me then. I standing at the exact place of an event that took place a long time ago? (Why is it i can remember this very distant memory?). My eyes became moist. Lucky the bus came then and i took it. But now i'm in an pretty emotional state. Mabbe i should avoid that 2 roads temporary, even though i have pass through it countless times before. Strange that i happen to be in the scene today. Cos usually i would walk to bugis to take 197, but today i thought of trying out that busstop cos i had thought it would be nearer...

Or mabbe its becos the interviewer asked me why i did not put my father's details in my family particulars, thus i'm reminded... But unlikely cos whenever people mentioned him, i really din feel anything...

Mabbe i should mentioned the event. A father taking his son to cross the road in the wee hours after taking bus 51. Crossing 2 main roads, to reach the terminal to take bus to go to JB, so that his son can make his passport. And have to be early, else have to wait for super duper long, unless u r willing to pay 'extra' money...