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Going Home - too attached to pop music :(

Pearlyn have the honour of being the first person to tell me that this song, Going Home, is nice. Although Ananda was the first to comment that it was not bad. Yup man, I like this song a lot. Was listening everyday to the mandarin cover by Faye, Passenger, everyday just a few weeks ago... Since then I had found out the original singer cum composer of this song and I like this version every much too, so now it is on my blog so i could listen everyday...

Xiaowei mention last minute last night that we should send organisations/advisors/patrons/yun gang vesak day cards but come on, so rush man... But nevertheless alex did a last minute design (just a simple one) which i could print out in school and send. Thus today i went to school again...

Anyway while waiting for bus 95, a lost soul came up to me to ask me for directions. He had wanted to go university hall and then the medical check up at yih. I then ask him to follow me, from where we drop he could then take a shuttle bus. Hmmm, on the way we had a little chat. Found out he is from TJ and then when we drop, I asked if he had joined any orientation camp. When he say no, I asked him to join BS one. However, either I bo kill or he really couldn't make it or whatever, I kena rejected. Sigh... Should have brought name card with me. Then mabbe when he change his mind, he could contact me...

After settling this vesak day cards stuff, I went with pearlyn and weiyang to watch Shrek 2 at clementi. Quite long haven watch there liao. It is cheap, $5 only, but the conditions were like ... No wonder so cheap, but anyway think it is still worth it. The movie was not bad, quite funny, not so heavy like troy or like most movies. Found that I had lost interest in such blockbuster movies recently... Maybe too old for such stuffs liao... Too ah pek...

Did cleaning up of my house altar just now. Hmm, for vesak, everything should be nice and clean. Maybe I would feel nice and clean too? Need to buy fruits and flowers tomorrow. It is always a bit troublesome when my mum is not around.