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Thank You

a long overdue thank you list.

Donors for the trip.
1. Gordon
2. Mr (or Dr?) Kweh Soon Han - for offering my robes.
3. Sis Peifen
4. Gillian's Mum - for the free clarityne and much discounted malaria pills... Though i din eat in the end...
5. Sayalay Santawati - For my almsbowl.
6. Thomas and Margaret - for some miscellaneous items.
7. Wei Seng - Vit C pills
8. Mr and Mrs Yip - lodgings and meals at Yangon.
9. My mum
10. All others not yet mentioned.

I would like to thank the following people for helping in one way or another in Myanmar.
Drivers to bus station in Yangon - Min Zaya and Kyaw Myaing
Thomas and Margaret - Admin Stuff
U Sula - Admin Staff
Chor Chor - For her father transport and help in buying the stuffs.
Bro Lu aka Ven Sucitta
(Ven) U Candima
(Ven) U Kundadhana. Though I was rather scared of him at first, but he always seem to try to lighten up in front of foreigners. And to us by saying Chinese. In the end felt he is quite alright. Both of them are Sayadaw Pa Auk left-right hands.
Ven Dhammajhoti - the Singaporean bhante. His son is quite active in PKS too.
(Ven) Ashin - the librarian.
Sayadaw Pa Auk Tawya
Ven Suchanda - Hongkonger. Temporary monkhood like me. Thanks for talking to me.
Ven Sunnatananda - Simply love his name. So nice. An American vipassana instructor, based in San Francisco. Like me, short termmonkhood. We took the higher ordination on the same day.
Ven Moo-Nyum (无念)- my roommate after Dickson left. A pretty old Zen master. Too bad he can't speak english. He shared with me one of his many luxurious items - some battery operated mineral water.

Special Thanks
Wenyan - For helping me in my school matter. Sorry to keep forgetting to treat you. What you want?
My travelmate - Dickson.
(Ven) U Kumoda. Much indebted to him. Can speak some english. Managed most of our stuff and helping us to wear the pindapata attire for 70% of the time.
Ven Dhammasubho - My Upajjhaya. Nice bhante. From Penang.
Ven Santagawesaka - A Taiwanese bhikkhu. For motivating me. Encouraging me in my practice.
Ven Mahinda (China) - For explaining to me some concepts of Buddhism as well as motivating me. Your/his last words are still haunting me.
Sayalay Santawati - Super duper indebted to. Too much which I could not even say.

Support and advice
Airport Gang :
Ananda - send me the photo leh. Then I can rem who i missed out.

Kin Song
Some smses whom I dun have their names
All others whom I have missed out.
Maybe all your good deeds yield positive results and propel all of us towards the ultimate bliss of nibbana.

May I share the merits from my trip with all sentients being.