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Reeling in shock

Had a fun full day yesterday. Morning had MC meeting. I was supposed to bring the presents we had bought for the four birthday babes to the meeting at pearlyn house but i had forgotten to bring... Nonetheless i had thought of getting a cake for the birthday babes since it was so rare all four of them were present so pearlyn went with sab to get it, while i tried to hold the rest of the MC down, by suggesting we learn the dance steps from the ogl. Actually I quite enjoyed the dances, especially the love in the first degree. Think the music roxx. And i enjoyed david dances, ahahahaha...We then went for lunch at hougang mall and went to hougang plaza K-Box to sing ktv all the way till 8 plus.

Me and Gillian then rushed over to tampines to try to catch windstruck. Had promised her a movie treat for quite sometime liao. We were just in time, after getting the popcorn and drink, when we sat down, the movie just started. So lucky. Anyway don't really like korean love story, coz i think too sad liao. The ending always he die or she died or both die one, unlike jap shows, where the ending is always perfect and nice and all of us are happy... Windstruck, as expected, turn from a comedy love story to a tragic love story when the male character died, and the women thought she had killed him. (It is dubious, this part. Maybe those who had watched liao can help me analyse...) As expected, she couldn't find the will to live and kept trying to kill herself, although it was quite funny how she was saved everytime. Till she realised that her bf spirit might be around, but in the form of wind... And so on, till she finally got to meet her bf on the 49th day of his death (according to buddhist teachings, any consciousness can only survive for 49, heehee). Anyway think it was a pretty good movie for couples to watch. The story was touching and nice but the ending sort of spoil the story... After which, we stayed at Mac and in the end, i was glad that i could still catch the last bus home, at 12 plus...

Had a shocking conversation with someone just now, who told me his predicaments. Somehow we drifted away and the topic was changed to another person and then he told me about his unpleasant encounter with this person. As usual, i will try to think in a positive manner and try to diminish the problem and finding reasons for the 'wrong' behaviour. However, after sometime, i realise that the problem involves other people, including me. Then I got very disgusted with this wrong person and all my good will for this person disappeared. I guess that is just us humans, to behave in such a manner. It is always different when things are happening to yourself. Like why do we like listening to sad songs or watching sad movies? Because we are not what the song or movie describe. Think about it, do we really want what the sad songs or movies describe to happen to us?