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Had a pretty bad experience just now. Was attending a dharma talk just now. Prior to this talk, i had only heard this speaker talk at GBC before, and in my opinion, that was a pretty disappointing talk. The feeling is like he was just impromptu trying to crack some jokes up there and comment a bit on what other speakers had commented. Like not very sincere. Today, i went not with full interest, but mabbe to see how it would be like for him to give a full talk, and also to drop my prejudice against him. However, it is very difficult for me to drop this prior image of him, and though i think a few others had enjoyed the talk, i wasn't listening 90% of the time and I think i had really wasted my time there. aLthough partly because something else had caught my attention 3/4 way into the talk. this together with some other stuffs I had observed about myself, i realised that i am really a very imperfect person...

Anyway the myanmar retreat details are more or less settled. Only left the other people part, like getting the stuffs that people had tolong us to bring over, and personal packing. Wanted to get Dickson to take some vaccine but failed to convince him of the importance... Sigh... Prevention is much better than cure... But anyway the malaria pills are damn expensive, which turns me and Dickson off immediately. $35 for 8 pills! Wah.... Anyone want to dana? Big bro, can I use yr $50 bucks for this good cause? Today morning, i will go to school to take my vaccination. Hope that i'm still in time... And btw, anyone knows where i can get anti-histamine for insects bite? Which is the best chinese medicine for stomach disorder and anyone has a light and portable iron or hair-dryer? Heard that clothes/robes are difficult to dry and get mouldy there.... and anyone got strong deet insect repellent to recommend and where i can buy from?