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BS got lotsa singing talents

Went for a 3 days chalet at PA chalet, uninvited. Dunno why I ended up staying overnight, for two nights.

Yesterday was quite fun at the KTV. Bein Siong, me, Kim sim, Puay Hong, Vincent, and Kimberly went to K-Box at tampines. Kim Sim can really sing well, so does puay hong and Vincent. And Vincent sound super like Ah-Du. The rest of us all thought so. Super-like. Although, he doesn't seem to really think it is a compliment... hmmm...

No one was staying back at the chalet so i said I'll stay back with Kim Sim, and of course, Vincent stayed back too. SO in the end, it is only 3 GUYS 浪漫 together in the chalet on the final night!!! It happened 2 yrs ago too, during the chalet at east coast, where my classmates super off, and all dun want to stay, and end up only me, wenyan and another classmate who book tha place stay.

But anyway these past few days 让我感触蛮多的,也不知道怎么说。。。Brought back some nice memories. Those activities in the night, those secondary school chalets and of course, those late cycling trips with Sin... Haiyah, pity his bike is stolen, esp since now we live even closer together...

Really glad to have this unexpected break. Somehow strangely my sore throat or cough seems to got better, and my knee too, less pain now... Now trying to write songs again. IT has been a long long time since i can come up with something satisfactory... Mabbe I just dun have the talent to write songs. Hopefully i can come up with more songs... Trying to fill in a tune for puayhong lyrics just now, mabbe wasn't what he wanted, hopefully i can come up with something good later...