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decision making

Just came back from Orchard. After packing up, some of us went for movie screening at cineleisure for 'Kingdom of Heaven'. Not very interested in such show. LOTR trilogy was good, wasn't interested in Troy either but went to watch nonetheless so i found myself watching yet another period show. Orlando Bloom...

Anyway though the show leaves much to be desired when compared to LOTR, i quite enjoyed it, as in i found the historical parts quite interesting. And i understand a bit more about the crusade. Always heard this term b4 though nvr really found out much about it.

But the show ended at close to 12 and by the time i was at the bus stop, I only have 65 to take... 16 was gone a few minutes earlier. So i waited and took the last 65 for the night (the person boarding with me asked the driver) and drop at Geylang East Police station. As i was preparing to walk home, I suddenly remember the busstop have 154, which came from Boon Lay, which can take me a few bus stops down where i'm walking. I estimate, base on 30 which came from boon lay also, that there is still buses left for 154. I decide to wait for 5 mins, becos i was uncertain of my assumption. When 6 mins was up, i sigh and told myself to make a move, and not to look back even if the bus came, cos the next stop was quite far away, i can't possibly catch it. But i just knew that it will happen, 154 will come and i will be damn tui.... Yes it happenned and i was pissed with myself for not waiting for a little while longer.

If i had continue to wait, and the bus never came, i will be labelled a stubborn and ignorant fool. If i left and the bus came, I will be an impatient man who does not believe in myself. So the trick is to have a reasonable waiting time for the bus. But what is reasonable? ...

Anyway i din walk for too long, ard 20 mins. And when i reached my side finally, the gate was spoilt and the notice informed us to use the front gate a distance away. Without even thinking twice i scoff at it and climbed over the fence within seconds. Yes, i just discovered yet security vulnerability...

Met chilong's friend at the booth today. He was with vincent lim. He called himself Dave. I learn that they were from the same unit in army. Anyway he must have been the person vincent told me the other time whom i had supposed impressed during a little discussion on Christianity on the mrt. Wow, i can't really remember that though.. Ahaha, must have been during one of those trips when we were together on the mrt with chilong. Was quite surprise to see that he was so interested in Buddhism. Mabbe becos he is Chilong's friend and becos of some assumption i had of his appearance. Anyway Dave seems a bit awkward when i tried to talk to him. Must be becos i'm not a friendly person, as i usually wun acknoledge his presence unless chilong is around.

Glad he is willing to leave his contacts with us so readily though. And vincent is quite impressive. At introducing Buddhism to friends through skilful means. Thinking back, i really have not really shared Buddhism to a great extent to my friends. Sin does not really count since he had his close friend as a buddhist guide (though i did bring him into BS). Today my fren came down also, Wee Kiat, also an army friend but did not really did a great job in hosting him. Hope he dun mind...

PS: thanks to *vincent for meeting me for breakfast and sorry for making u wait today.