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My First Paper

Had my first paper today, while people are already looking forward to their last paper tomorrow. Today was my Design paper, my only level 4xxx module this sem, so supposedly the toughest (my four other modules are all level 1xxx modules this sem, which leads to someone always saying that i chao keng). Actually i was most stressed up over this module because i was the least prepared for this module, and i dunno how to study for it. But after quite a few days of hard work, i dare say at least it did not turn out that bad. It could have been much worse...

What happened:
Process Design: Crucial and major part is to develop the Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs), but unlike last year, this year got a lot of crap small questions which i did not prepare in my cheat sheet at all, and turn up i lost at least 7 marks (due to not answering at all). And the PFDs i also dunno whether correct or not. Not enough time to check. I had already ate 15 mins of my next section. And that lecturer kept staring at me. OR rather, my cheat sheet. He was standing besides me for at least 5 mins. I found him so irritating cause i was already quite stress liao, and he just look and looked at my paper. No doubt my cheat sheet is a bit kiasu, but don't need to look until like that right?

Heat exchanger design: Crucial and major part is to develop the Heat Exchanger Network (HEN). THe carzy thing is, i can't figure out the soln and i dun have time to work out. I gave up and go and answer those crap small questions and i have a little more than 5 mins to go back to my HEN design. But blessed me! I figure out i shld use stream splitting and when time was up, whilst they were coming to collect, i just just managed to finish all the calculations. Though that means that i have no time to go back to the previous qns, and some marks lost, it could have been much much worse...... 5 mins make a hell lot of difference...