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词:Zeathereal/DJ 锋

在这寒冷的冬天 站在月台最端点 雪像针刺痛我的心扉
回忆起我们从前 兩人天真无邪地 漫步在樱花盛开的街
望着模糊的世界 思念有如大海般 无际无边地将我吞沒
想起分手那天 你双手的微温 至今仍让我思念

听见你在呐喊 叫我要勇敢
我含泪回应 说珍重

啸声响起列车即将要离去 远去的身影停留在彼此的心
无法掌控的命运 仿佛把我们卷入 永无止尽的悲剧
多年后当我再回返城市里 熟悉的画面唤醒沉睡了的心
如果能让时间停留在 海枯石烂的心 那有多美丽

Translation (by DJ 锋 aka Puay Hong aka Bae Yong Jun)

Standing at the edge of the balcony in the cold winter, snow penetrated my heart like sharp needles.
Remembering the last time when we were still young and innocent, we strolled along the pavement where the Sakura flowers blossomed.
Looking at this vague world now, resembling a vast ocean, reminiscences of those happy times we had, boundlessly flooding my mind.
Recalling the day when we parted, the warmth of your hand still lingers in my mind.

I heard you cried, “Please stay strong!”
I held back my tears and replied, “Take care!”

The train whistled, indicating it’s time to leave. The silhouette of our backs will always be imprinted in each other’s heart.
The destiny we couldn’t control, forced us to an eternal tragedy.
I returned back to the city many years later. Familiar surroundings awakened my long sleeping heart.
If only time could stop at the instance; when our love is everlasting for each other, how nice would it be?