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Mon examen plus de

Had the most torturing day of this semester. I have Bahasa Indonesia I today at 9 am in arts, and at 1 pm, i got Anatomy paper in Science. I think it was the first time (if you don't count Bible Studies exams during my secondary school days, which i will always copy from my classmates, and still fail!) that i did not study at all for an exam. And i really mean at all. I had wanted to grab that blue book and maybe look through in the bus, but i forgot to bring with me in the end. And so be it. This is because anatomy is drivng me crazy with all the memory work. Now i am impressed with all the medical students for the memory work they have to do. It is quite disgusting actually, all those weird weird names: corpus callosum, zona pellucida, zona fasciculata, for eg, which doesn't make sense to you and you have to remember. It was the module i studied the most and yet din have enough time to finish studying all the 9 examinable topics. I took a big gamble today, by studying well, instead of studying all, and i was quite lucky...

The situation:
Lecturer A - Respiratory System, Endocrine System, Nervous System I & II
Lecturer B - Digestive System I, Urinary System, Reproductive System
Lecturer C (his lectures and notes cannot make it one. Too much details and too disorganised) - Musculoskeletal System, Cardiovascular System and Immune System

What i did: I copied in my notes that there will be 5 compulsory questions in the exam. And lectuere A will have 3 questions. Or so I thought. So i went to study all his topics well and truly. Since Lecturer B n C will have 1 question each (i assumed), i studied 2 topics, Urinary and Reproductive for B and 1 topic, Cardiovascular for lecturer C. This is because i could not bear reading his notes.

What came out today:
Qn 1. Musculoskeletal - C
Qn 2. Urinary - B
Qn 3. Ovary (Under Reproductive) - B
Qn 4. Endocrine Glands - A
Qn 5. Nervous System II - A

As you can see, Qn 1 is gone case. Though 2 questions for Lecturer B came out, but it happened I had studied for both, so it was alright for me in the end! However, i just simply could not recall the name of the layer surrounding the oocyte in the primary follicle (which is zona pellucida) so i just wrote 'a serous layer'. And i forgot some other details too, so this qns is partially gone. The rest still ok. Went blog searching and found someone exactly like me: http://whyqueue.blogspot.com/2005/11/anatomy-exam-i-have-been-lucky.html

Actually Qn1 wasn't that bad for me, it had questions requiring some common sense answers. And this topic overlaps with Physiology, which i took yesterday morning (that one is really gone case, got B or B+ i am happy liao). So overall i feel that i had answered quite well, and so deserved an ...? Unless, which is very possible, consider the drive of those yr1s, that everyone else regurgitated out word for word, diagram for diagram everything in the notes... Then i got nothing else to say. Year 4 liao, no more energy to 死背 stuffs...