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Selling stuffs again

Help my sister today at her stall. Was actually a bit irritated when she told me to call out to customers to promote the food. Because I don't really think that will help much. But i must admit it is more due to that I pretty uncomfortable doing that. What i do is I will just talk to them a bit when they stop to look at the stuffs, and not really called out to every passer-by. There is this new korean stall next to my sis stall. Today the korean guy brought his gf and her brother and the brother gf (haha) to the stall. Cos the inner part is shared between us, so actually quite crowded. Tooo crowded for my liking haha. But today the environment was quite nice. I got help out the korean stall to promote and sell their stuffs (they are always disappearing sometimes) and the stall opposite us (stephanie i think, a temp helper) sometimes got help me promote also. Not bad, helping each other out. And sharing food and soup, haha...

One customer, a teenage boy i think, was quite chatty and was curious about the korean stall, so i help them promote. Then he was quite surprised and say, 'wow, how come you help them to promote?'. Then i replied no lah, "their food really not bad (actually i only tried their soup, quite good!), just being honest mah ~_~" But wait, i wasn't lying, because my sister told me the other food is very nice, just that it is very spicy, so i did not dare to try.

It is really tough doing business there. Only three stalls are doing quite ok, as far as i can see. The rest are all closing down one by one. Today the ice-cream stall is closing down. The stall on both sides of my sis have already closed (before the korean took over). Not to mention the durian puff stall and the taiwanese dessert stall(closed after 1 week, haha). Really don't know how long my sis can survive. But i certainly hope she can do well. But sad to say, though the creations are quite good, it is the nature of the products itself that i think is the problem. Dessert porridge doesn't really seem appealing to the youths there i guess. After sampling both day of my sister porridge, my conclusion is that her consistency are improving. In maintaining food quality i mean. I liked all the three porridges on both days. I had commented (refer to one of my earlier entry) b4 that sometimes the standard drop. But for those reading this, not to worry, can always buy the cold dessert soup to be safe. That one sure ok one, haha...

Yesterday wairen (qinhan) and isen planned a Harry Potter movie trip cum visit to my sister stall. So thankful for their support. The movie was great, I liked it, and I liked the french spoken on the show even more, because i can catch. Ahahaha. "C'est magnifique" is one, and i think i heard "merci" too. Nine of us at the movies. Weiling left us to meet his friends and weiyang joined us for dinner (after visiting my sister stall).