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Mes amis (my friends)

Thought this was pretty funny so decided to put down the conversation.

Zeathereal : merci beaucoup mon ami! (means thank you very much my friend)
onelife : no problema de amis masmies! (suppose to mean not a problem my friend. correct one should be 'pas de probléme mon ami' )

Since that time i used the sentence 'pas de probléme mes amis' to him, he has been using broken up version of this sentence to reply whenever i said 'merci' but none as funny as the above.. All the 'ma-mees'! ahahahha

Yet more bad news today at Finger Food Street. The korean guy finally decided to end it. I feel so sad for him, all his efforts and money. Luckily he still have the restaurant nearby, which seems to be doing quite well. Counting the number of stalls left, gasp, only left 10! More than half have evacuate liao. From what i gather yesterday, the tenants side of the story, here is what the management have done wrong:

1. Rent too high. Despite many joint efforts by the stalls to petition for reduction by substantial amt, only 10% temporary reduction was given. It is not a rationale decision to me because starting up is the most difficult time for businesses, if they should quit, the whole place will look empty which will only make business worse.

2. Further petition was only heeded when things got to the stage beyond remedy. Most of the tenants got too du lan with the management and left one by one. Even then, only a further 10% reduction was given. Looking at the situation today, i felt quite sad. So many empty stalls.

Of course maybe the management side have some problems, but no doubt i felt the relationship and confidence with their tenants could have been much better.

Back to Dharmacamp. Suddenly wanted to blog about this final yr gal call jiahui. I kept staring at her, cos i found her resemblance to peiwen uncanny. Wonder if i have stared too much and create a bad impression, cos i din speak to her at all till towards the end of the camp. Tried to ask Ziyi about her name, using look like peiwen as my description. But obviously she didn't agree with the resemblance, cos she dunno who am i referring to. So i thought i was alone until finale night when i realise almost everyone who had gone for CEP agreed with me that she looked very much like peiwen. Except she is slightly prettier! (hope peiwen don't ever get to read my blog)

I have known many jiahui(s), and all of them have similar characters. Those of strong strong type. Hmmm, i wonder why....

PS: Thanx SW for asking abt the problem. Think you will not have known anyway especially since you are not a Buddhist. So spare you the long story...