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Dedicated to 霞妹 (prawn sister)

Was chatting on the phone with a pretty close friend of mine (or rather, used to be pretty close). It was her birthday yesterday. Had been wanted to call her since afternoon, when i remembered it is her birthday. But then i keep pushing it later, wanted to call her when i'm more free, so can have a longer chat with her, but then my lab end sooo late, i had to ask Machan to 'ta-bao' for me. He insisted on giving me a treat, even though i insisted on not to. But really thanks to him, it was a pretty nice packed dinner, really king size...... Enough to make up for the fact i din had lunch... THANK YOU MACHAN!!!

Back to the call, i overstayed at Machan room and had to climbed the pgp gate, with Machan's help. When I reached home it was 12 plus and I remembered the call and was like 'oh shit!!!' Damn, same as last year, it was belated liao... Haiz, better belated than nvr. Anyway had a really nice long chat with her. Felt an uplift in spirits straightaway. Even showed her my newly picked guitar skills, sang the chorus of '忘了', my very first song 'there in my heart', whom she had help me arranged and was my guitarist, and finally, '又到了夏日时候'. She like it very much and said it lifted her spirits while listening to it, though she can't catch the lyrics. Going to send her the song.

I wonder if she's gonna ask me who's the person in the song that i had written. Better not, else quite paiseh to say that those two songs were both inspired by her. Back then i remember we were quite close. We both like Faye, and '扑火', a pretty unknown song of Faye, was one of our favorite. I remembered i had always pestered her to sing the song through the phone to me, among other songs. Simply love her voice and her singing... Oops... When i had composed the first song, i quickly called her to share with her.

I don't really like to talk much about myself back then, so when my father passed away, only two of my friends i confided in. One is Sean, and another is her. Din plan it this way, but i think the saying that when something happens, the first person(s) you contact showed their importance to you is true. I must really thank her for being there for an important period in my life. All the best to her teaching career at TPJC as a GP teacher...

Oh ya, I always call her 霞妹 har moi (pronounced in Hakka, she is a Hakka too, but she will always 'OEI' when i call her that...) So fun, but must clarify, it is not a love story, there wasn't anything at all but just an memorable past... Hopefully she don't get to read my blog too... Unlikely, since none of my secondary school friends know i have this blog. Phew...

Bodhi Big Walk

Haiz wanted to write this entry since last night, but now, after typing so much, will just publicise a bit.

NUSBS will be helping out as Road Marshals, together with NTUBS. Includes,
1. Route Marshals
2. Water point + distribution of lucky draw tickets
3. Old folks team, accompany the old folks to walk a much shorter route, interact with them
4. Bus guide team at Bedok interchange, to lead people to the shuttle service
5. General Setup

It will be held on 17th July, in conjunction with Dhamma Day. Organised by Buddhist Library. I need volunteers. Though exact work scope haven been split and assigned yet, please let me know if you can/interested to help out. I need a rough gauge of how many volunteers we can give from NUSBS side. Please help to spread the message.

Riki asked me a gd question last night when i asked him why NTUBS had no rep at the meeting. Actually i was asking myself the same qn even when I was at the meeting, about the aim of the walk. What do we hope to acheive? Actually to be very honest, i felt that the walk is an event that can be scrapped, especially since Vesak was not too long ago and each society have their FOC to plan with. Cum the fact they seemed to assume each TIBS will be helping doesn't seem a very correct approach to take. It does not raised much funds for BL, and certainly Dharma elements seem to be minimal...

And the meeting was draggy and a bore for all TIBS, since we can't really be involved in the planning... So basically it is hearing them discussing about their family businesses... Only some parts are relevant to us. And i was tired. In fact i'm very tired recently by my school work. But what perk me up was Bhante's witty remarks and his involvement. At such an age and such reputation, i admired his zest in his outreaching work, especially being a Theravadan monk. He is definitely a venerable to be respected.

So i'm quite on about the walk for a few main reasons:
1. Respect for Bhante and thanks to BL for lending us location quite often.
2. Friendship with young Bhante
3. Raise funds for both BL and NUSBS. Though Bhante said all the donations each TIBS collected will go to themselves, after discussion with Isen, we both agree it shld be split.
4. Not much activities i can help organise before i step down. Esp so since i'm not involved in CEP. Let this be last few burst of fire...
5. Though not very meaningful, at least these are not harmful activities, if you get what i mean... Can promote family bonding and creating awareness for Buddhist Library...

I guess these are good enough reasons... So i'll need lotsa of support. If anyone is interested in taking over as the main coordinator from NUSBS just let me know... Will be glad to let u have the joy.