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Hand will need a long time to heal completely

Guess i can't get to learn guitar afterall after my fyp is done. NO guitar for a month i think :S

Hope tmr x-ray will be alright. SHldn't have any problem though i think.

Brought back some memories listening to some old final fantasy songs. Especially like this song. Think it is positive and meaningful. Haiz, childhood is so fantasy-like. Castle, heroes, magic etc...

The Breeze
Are we strangers in this place?
Looking for a place unknown?
We're just leaning on the breeze...
Saying not to give it up...
Can we find the truth behind us,
When the long journey ends?

Are we wrapped in mysteries?
Walking down the winding roads?
Can we find the reason why we are
In this world of trials?

Here comes the breeze, that's whispering in peace
So full of lights, shining in colors
Don't be afraid, just keep on trying in your way
And you will see how all is sight...

Are we strangers in this place?
Reaching out for dreams unknown?
Now we feel our minds are flying high
In this world of liberty

Here comes the breeze that's whispering again
So full of lights shining in colors
Listen to me, just keep on trying in your way
Get the courage to open the door and soon you'll be free...