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The missing song

Finally found the song that i wanted to hear very much, supposedly the theme song for Autumn in My Heart (but not included in the soundtrack here, strange). So glad i had found that CD, which contain quite a number of songs i really liked. Anyway those who have watched 萧十一郎 will find the song familiar, since 王杰 did a cantonese cover of this song. But i sooo much prefer this original version.

Today was quite an eventful day. Had the ritual sunday soccer session (which for the past 2 yrs have not really become a ritual for me) today. Actually woke up an hour in advance for it, but nonetheless my diarrhoea from last night continue this morning, and by the time i arrive, i was 20 mins late, feeling sick and don't feel like playing. But we were still waiting for people to arrive (all the late kias) so after i rest and prepared myself, i decided to carry on.

For the past few sessions, I had began to take off my shirt while playing soccer. It is quite a counter-intuitive action to do since now that we shift our playing time from 8am to 9am, we are more exposed to the glaring sunrays, thus i;m exposing my body to more risk of sunburn. However it really does feel much more cooling, n not so restrictive. However i'm not used to it, especially the body to body contact, which make me really feel very gao wei. Even in the past, with my shirt on, i would take care to have minimal body contact with those with their shirt off. Slimy and disgusting... Dunno whether my frens season liao or what, they don't seem to mind at all, which is very disgusting to me, cos this friend of mine did a body checked on me, where almost a whole body length of body contact was made. I was absolutely cringing in disgust at the interaction of sweat between our bodies that i totally lost interest in chasing after the ball, and intuitively tried to wipe the contacted sweat off. Yucks...

A group of 4 malays, quite young, think 17s or 18s, wanted to join in, and we graciously welcomed them. Dunno whether it is because our location is very ulu, we very rarely have outside people to play with. Anyway being malays, we have a tendency to think that they are better than us. However, we form 3 groups of 4s, which after including them, 4 groups of 4s, all our 3 groups managed to beat them cimprehensively. Din want to use the word thrashing, so as not to seem arrogance. But deep in my heart i was feeling quite bad for them, come in for 1 match, kena knocked out, then have to wait for 2 more groups for their turn, only to be knocked out again. But come to think about it, they are still young. No doubt my friends have much more experience, and physically, they definitely lost out to us. And being in a 'hostile' environment might mean a lot of difference too...

Evening went for a movie outing at GV, Plaza Sing. A lot of people. Really a lot, and we have a lot of people too. 17 of us. Congrats to Kim Sim for such a successful outing. After the movie, we went over to fort canning and the feeling i got from the large group of people is that of a warm and comfortable one. Seems pretty motivating for the future of BS...