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I like this song the moment i hear it. Dunno why. Makes me feel very melancholic... Not that i am in a good mood today, so after listening to this song, it makes me feel even worse. haha... Anywya i think this is a very difficult song to sing. Like damn high towards the end. Think Fish Leong have been improving all these years.






云破日出 你是那道光束


My first camp in BS was in july 2003. I remember at Palelai Temple, I met this lady from China (who disappeared after the camp, haha). Me, Fucai and her (I forgot her name) had a little chat while enjoying the food @ Palelai. The rest had all left for campus. She said something which struck me to this day. We were discussing about vegetarian and life forms. She said she believe all things have 'life'. As in plants have feelings, and can response appropriately. However what struck me was about her view on people and their relationships. People, according to her, are attracted to each other by their energy. We are constantly seeking for people who can increase our energy level.

Eg: We are always excited about about new friends and making new friends energise you. After some time, when the energy had died down, you begin to seek for new energy somewhere. As a result one's past relationship stabilised (or stagnant or decline as we no longer can give each other the energy that we need). It is a very interesting way to look at relationships. Think this is quite true.

Have been thinking about something. Are we attracted to (not in terms of BGR but friendship) younger people to give us the energy that we need? As in they possess something which can supplement our energy level. I feel that this whole set of energy theory is quite applicable to me. Eg, at my current status in BS, i do feel more energised by the younger batch around. Like Vincent, and a more recent example, those young kias in my French class.

Make a pretty close friend there SW, who was the only one who talked to me when i was feeling completely lost and blur. :'( Anyway since then I have settled down and quite enjoyed the lessons. Find that my teacher is really humorous. Initially din really like her. In fact just a few days ago, i meet two other people who was studying French I and both of them told me they don't like Ms Sylvie. Their class was taught by her for the first few lessons. However I think if she has continued to teach them, they might feel differently. She is quite nice and willing to spend time to tutor us outside class hours. Really feel quite grateful to her. Anyway back to my friends in my class. We stayed on MSN for 4 plus hours last night, till 3plus am! Crazy. I realised that when i'm talking to them, i'm more willing to use certain choice of words which i would usually not use in BS. They too. In fact i found them quite mean (but very funny) to discuss abt other people names. LoLz. Feel that it is so nice to be year ones. Jialat, don't feel like growing up. Imagine have to go into work place in less than 8 months. Haiz. This is what Buddha says about Dukkha? I dunno...

Long post... Tmr soccer again. Hope can wake up. Studies really seem to be bottom on my priority list nowadays...