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Ham Sak Dog?

Had a tiring day in school today. Tiring in terms of project, cos dunno what to do, so just stare at teammates do working very hard to solve the problem. I hate that kind of feeling, and although I sure could read up more by myself, I do wish they can be more communicative.

Anyway joined Kimberly, 'Hwai', Haifeng, Wenyan and Kim Sim for the run today. Although they all finished by the time I went there. This is because I too paiseh to leave my project group mates while they are still solving. I can't say like I will settle the rest at home because I do not know what to do!!! And the run, cannot make it. Although this is my first time run in a long time, i have been playing soccer pretty regularly. And yet today timing was 12:44! Sucks...

Unexpectedly met SW at PGP canteen today. Tmr gonna get back my Bahasa and French tests on the same day. No sweat. Whatever the result, i'm gonna pass anyway......

Played with my neighbour's dog (same blk, not same level) near the lift just now. It is a huge dog but very friendly, but... buaya (or hamsak)??? Cos it licked my ...... and the legs around the area. Make me feel so paiseh. whahahaha. How i wish I have a pet to play with. And I guessed the dog I had 19 years ago is no longer around... Can't even remember whether it is a she or a he... May the dog be well and happy!